Rue de la Croix Rouge 1
7740 Pecq
VAT: BE0827695456
Rue de Courtrai 33
7740 Pecq
Phone number : +32 69 49 03 63
We can be reached by phone during the opening hours of our store SmokerShop.
Email: contact us here
Monday - Wednesday: 6.30 - 18.00
Thursday - Friday: 6.30 - 18.00
Saturday: 7.30 - 18.00
Closed: Sundays and public holidays
Article 1 : General
1.1 These conditions of sale regulate the use of the website and webshop of SRL ESQW, with company number0827.695.456, with registered office at Rue de la Croix Rouge 1, 7740 PECQ (hereinafter referred to as 'the seller')
1.2 All agreements concluded between the seller and the purchasers are subject to the following conditions of sale and delivery, except in the case of express written derogation. The buyer's general terms and conditions of purchase are never taken into account; they are therefore considered to be entirely null and void vis-à-vis the seller.
1.3 The fact that the buyer does not receive the general terms and conditions of sale in his mother tongue does not exempt him from applying them.
1.4 With every electronic order of products, the customer explicitly declares to agree to these general terms and conditions by ticking the check box "I accept the general terms and conditions unconditionally". Anyone who orders, declares to know and accept the general terms and conditions of the seller. An electronic order without this agreement is technically impossible, except in the case of fraud, so that these conditions are always binding on the customer. The terms and conditions of sale also apply whenever a reservation or order is placed via the webshop via https://www.smokershop.be
1.5 The buyer expressly declares that he is of legal age. When the product is picked up, this is checked on the basis of an identity check. The seller reserves the right to cancel the purchase if it appears that the buyer is a minor. In that case, an invoice for damages will be drawn up, equal to the costs incurred by the seller.